My OnLy Star!

10/29/08 8:10 PM

As I gazed in the sky in the night,
I was suddenly attracted by a star so bright
It's beyond compare to any night sky's stars
Coz' it's like a brilliant diamond that shines,
Its radiance brings the beauty of the skies..

I can't do anything but to stare
Stare at you, above the sky, from here
It's too high. I can't able to reach you there
All I can do is to wish and pray
Hoping that I could reach you someday..

But eventhough you're too high,
I'm still eager to reach you from the sky
To be with you is my desire that I kept on dreaming,
So that's why I never give up, keep on tryin' and tryin'
Just to make this perpetual dream of mine a happening.

Oh brilliant star, shimmering splendid in the night sky
Don't you know the meaning of special, I found in you?
The one who touches my heart, in a special and unique way?
The one who betters my life, by being part of it each day
I was so blessed when I found you...

You changed everything in me,
And taught something new to me
You taught me how to laugh
You taught me to face the world next to you
And you taught me everything because of you!

I have all this longing inside my heart,
I knew it right from the start..
You're the one who turns the darkness into light
and brings back the colors of this black and white world of mine
From the day you entered into my life..

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my cure when I was sick
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my hope when everythin' was bleak
And it's all because you're my inspiration..

You are my bliss throught my whole life
You are my crayon that colors my life
You are my angel that guides and protects me from evil
You are my sun that shines thoughout my day
You're the reason. The reason why I wake up everyday..

Eventhough at our alma mater, you waved goodbye
Still our lovely memories, in my heart won't die
You'll be forever in my heart. Forever in my mind.
Forever my inspiration. Forever my IDOL.
It's you (insert name here), my only star!


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